Student Publications & Awards 2015 - 2013

The Graduate Group in Microbiology is very proud of our fantastic team.

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2015 - 2013

Phylicia Aaron

  • UC Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) T32 Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program Scholar Award
  • UC Davis Graduate Research Mentorship Fellowship

Laurynne Coates

  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award

Jessica Franco

  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award

Dustin Heeney

  • Keller Pathway Fellowship
  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award, Immunotag
  • Second Place Finalist Big Bang Business Competition
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

Alexandria Igwe

  • HC-HBCU Initiative Fellowship

Jared Nigg

Beatriz Merchel Piovesan Pereira

  • Science without Boarders Ph.D. Scholarship Award from Brazil

Marc Pollack

  • MGG Work Study Award
  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award

Mariana Guedes Weber

  • Science without Boarders Ph.D. Scholarship Award

Matt Wright