Student Publications & Awards 2017

The Graduate Group in Microbiology is very proud of our fantastic team.

Please also check out our latest news, and if you have an update you’d like to share on our website, please email our program coordinator (


Phylicia Aaron

  • UC Davis Graduate Student Travel Award
  • Burroughs Wellcome Fund Trainee Travel Award for International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student and Post Doctoral Award
  • UC Davis Dissertation Year Fellowship

Bardo Castro

  • Dean’s Distinguished Graduate Fellowship

Jessica Franco

Charles Graddy

Taylor Heckman

  • Floyd and Mary Schwall Fellowship in Medical Research

Dustin Heeney

Alexandria Igwe

  • Natural Reserve Grant Recipient

Marina De Leon

  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Jonathan Lin

  • Fellowship Recipient for the Microbial Diversity Course at MBL (Wood's Hole, MA) for Summer 2017
  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award
  • Powerhouse Science Communication Fellowship Fall 2017

Anak Agung Dewi Megawati

  • Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education

Shane McInally

  • UCD Graduate Student Travel Award

Jessica Mizzi

Jared Nigg

  • American Society for Virology Travel Award
  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award

Christopher Nosala

Eric Pomaranski

Mohammad Julhasur Rahman

  • Junior scientist registration grant for the 36th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Virology

Eric Stevens

  • Powerhouse Science Communication Fellowship Fall 2017

Matt Wright

  • Shared 1st prize for MGG Symposium Poster Award

Annabelle Yu

  • Henry A. Jastro Research Award