Student Publications & Awards 2019

The Graduate Group in Microbiology is very proud of our fantastic team.

Please also check out our latest news, and if you have an update you’d like to share on our website, please email our program coordinator (


Zachary Bendiks

  • Poster Presentation award MGG Recruitment 2019

Megan Christensen

  • MGG Mini-fellowship

Laurynne Coates

Trevor Croft

Jessica Franco

  • UC Davis Graduate Student Travel Award
  • MGG Mini-fellowship

Sarah Guest

  • Poster Presentation award MGG Recruitment 2019

Taylor Heckman

  • Outstanding competition poster at the Northern California American Society for Microbiology
  • 1st place in oral presentations at the AFS-Fish Health Section and Western Fish Diseases Workshop

Dustin Heeney

Britta Heiss

  • Animal Models of Infectious Diseases (AMID) T32 Training Grant

Nick Jensen

Marina De León

Jonathan Lin

  • MGG Mini-fellowship

William Louie

  • Best Zoonotic Poster at the Northern California American Society for Microbiology
  • Graduate Fellowship from the Pacific Southwest Center of Excellence in Vector-borne Diseases

Jared Nigg

  • UC Davis Graduate Student Travel Award
  • MGG Mini-fellowship

Chorong Park

Beatriz Merchel P Pereira

Marc Pollack

  • MGG Mini-fellowship

Andrew Rogers

  • MGG Mini-fellowship
  • Animal Models of Infectious Diseases (AMID) T32 Training Grant

Jordan Sayre

  • MGG Mini-fellowship

Rene Suleiman

Connor Tiffany